Use Your Invisible Power There is Always Another Choice

Uses an invisible force. "There is always another choice." Michael J Fox, actor, has Parkinson's disease. He has a new book, "optimism", which has just been published. Recently a television special about his book. The program interviewed various people who have a medical problem or who were injured. He wanted to discover why or what they were a common theme. All the people interviewed had changed their lives, tailored to their problems and find solutions to make them feel good. They have the power of their minds to discover their "purpose (s) in your life." Gift "giving" to help them "feel optimistic," although it is their personal problem has not been changed or resolved. He was also interviewed and he talked about his life with Parkinson's disease. One of the quotes from the program was "always a second choice." Is there time in your life when you felt that there is no solution to the problem? You wished you had another option or a solution? Have you asked the question: "Well, what I do now? Feel overwhelmed!" Michael J Fox's response: "There is always another choice.